Bunaken Marine National Park

Bunaken Marine National Park

Bunaken Marine National Park located in North Sulawesi and is ± 8 km from thmainland city of Manado. Its location is strategic enough to make it easy to park visited by tourists both from domestic and from abroad.

Bunaken National Park is one-one recreational destination for tourists attractedconsiderable domestic and foreign tourists.Activities that can be done in the Bunaken Marine National Park is like sunbathing on the beach, swimming at sea, diving (diving), snorkeling, exploring the forests around thecoast.

Overall Bunaken National Park has an area of 75,265 hectares area in which there arefive islands, namely Pulau Bunaken, Manado Tua Island, Island Siladen, MantehageIsland along with several islands and the last child Naen Island. Although this marine park has five islands adjacent, only the most famous Bunaken Island as dive sites.

Regions Park in 1991 as a national marine park was inaugurated by the Minister ofMarine and serve as the object of marine tourism and education as well as see thepotential of natural and marine ecology conservation activities of this region. In additionto tourism activities, marine parks is very good for the development of educationalknowledge of adults and children about the natural and marine resources.

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